

陳紹基:海洛因使用疾患之基因標記與蛋白質網路建構 (Construction of Genetic Biosignatures and Protein-Protein Interaction Network of Heroin Use Disorder)


【111級】陳盈竹:肌少症患者之腦波分析 (與溫惠甄共同指導)
         (Genome-wide Association Study of Hearing Loss by Taiwan Biobank)
         (Study of Lung Cancer by Taiwan Precision Medicine Initiative)
         (Using Deep Learning and Electronic Health Records to Predict the
          Risk of Cancer in Diabetic Patients)
         (Development of a Prediction Model for Mental Disorders among
         Diabetic Patients Using a Deep Neural Network)
         (Using Deep Learning to Establish a Prediction Model of Cancer Risk
          for Alcohol Use Disorders)
【107級】江昀育:藥物風險預測 (Prediction of Medication Risks)
         (Evaluating the Methodology of Binning in Metagenomics and
         Constructing the Analysis Platform)
         (The Simulation Study of Comorbidity Associations
         between Prevalent Diseases across Gender and Age)
         (Comprehensive Analysis of Thyroid Disease Network in Taiwan)
         (The Human Diseasome Study of Rare Diseases Inpatient in Taiwan)
         (Construction of Multilayer Network of Diabetes)
         (The Disease Network and the Inference of Progression Pathway:A
          Three-Year Population-Based Study in Taiwan)
         (Construction of Disease Comorbidity Networks in Taiwan and
         Analysis of Multi-level Networks in Mental Diseasome)
         (The Study of Gene-Gene Interaction for Molecular Subtypes of
         (Combining Cluster Analysis of Dynamics of Gene Expression Profiles)


【98級】王心怡、林宜柔、楊鎮蓉 (陳光琦&詹鎮熊):台灣疾病網路之發展路徑與預測分析
【95級】張詩婷、李淩婷、黃淳敏 (林紋正& 陳光琦):語言使用與基因表現在憂鬱症之探討
【94級】楊薇珊、蔡旻心:個人化醫療之應用-以 SNPs 及生理資料預測抗凝血劑每日劑量